WARNING Defective Future Mobility Healthcare Products


Below you can read and see my four product review videos with detailed information showing how defective and unsafe these products  ‘Prism Seating’ Brand are and I will speak about my conversations with the very rude people at Future Mobility Healthcare Inc. http://www.future-mobility.com


In this report you will understand why  society need to get involved and start speaking up. why we need consumer protection laws for the wheelchair industry.


And you can also appreciate this article


WARNING Defective Future Mobility Healthcare Products 1of4 

WARNING Defective Future Mobility Healthcare Products 2of4 Seat Cushion 

WARNING Defective Future Mobility Healthcare Products 3of4 True Fitt Backrest 

WARNING Defective Future Mobility Healthcare Products 4of4 Installed backrest4

True Fitt Product 


Prism Seating Supreme Seat Cushion
