THIS IS DO OR DIE disabled wheelchair user testimonies

The purpose and need for this series of  testimonies is to notify all in government to the issues that are now threatening my life and health.

I am being denied all medical care and support, having my HANDYCARE ALEX  wheelchair sabotaged and now being blocked from being able to get anyone

to service my power wheelchair.

Being denied the wheelchair I need as the one they gave me is Unsafe to use and is causing me injury and severe pain.

Without my wheelchair I will die due to not being able to get out to get my groceries.

My HANDYCARE ALEX wheelchair is presently very dangerous to operate due to sabotage by Home Safe Living and others.

Here is the link to the full youtube play list;


Please see this post (below) that proves everything that I testified to.

Please Help Me This Is Do Or Die for REAL


HandiCare Alex Wheelchair Deadly Dangerous Tires and Suspension

THIS IS DO OR DIE Present dangerous condition of my Handicare wheelchair

01 THIS IS DO OR DIE disabled wheelchair user testimonies

02 THIS IS DO OR DIE disabled wheelchair user testimonies

03 THIS IS DO OR DIE disabled wheelchair user testimonies

04 THIS IS DO OR DIE disabled wheelchair user testimonies

05a THIS IS DO OR DIE disabled wheelchair user testimonies

05b THIS IS DO OR DIE disabled wheelchair user testimonies

06 THIS IS DO OR DIE disabled wheelchair user testimonies

07 THIS IS DO OR DIE disabled wheelchair user testimonies

08 THIS IS DO OR DIE disabled wheelchair user testimonies

The first guy I was to meet at community services office on Gottingen St is Tony Saulter.

This day ended by me agreeing to have a meeting with Glen Moore social worker and this guy I never heard of named Mr.ONeil

The meeting ended up with no succesful results except that they will not fix or replace my wheelchair

and are ignoring my testimony of the proof om chair bing deliberately sabotaged.

09 THIS IS DO OR DIE disabled wheelchair user testimonies

10 THIS IS DO OR DIE disabled wheelchair user testimonies

May 7 2014

11 THIS IS DO OR DIE disabled wheelchair user testimonies

The purpose of this recording is for proof that Occupational Therapist Mark Burley is aware of the dangerous set up of my chair where it was balanced to flip backwards on acceleration and he said it was not possible to move the seat forward.

This recording proves he knowingly endangered me and he is a trained expert at setting up wheelchairs for size, position, height and  to be balanced.

His actions prove that this was deliberate and willful to do me serious harm and very possibly cause my death..

By refusing to have my chair fixed he then is guilty of a serious criminal offense.

Also please know that Mark Burley is blocking me through his influence at his work place from receiving any and all medical services including related to my wheelchair needs.

In this recording you can also here me mention to him about my tires being dangerously bald and he absolutely did not care.

CTV NEWS Wheelchair Protest

 CTV NEWS Wheelchair Protest On Spring Garden Rd Halifax Nova Scotia

Alex wheelchair (04) Flipped backwards on acceleration and almost killed me.



See full post about my ALEX wheelchair here.

Please HELP listen to disabled wheelchair user on telephone pleading for his life and safety

February 28, 2014

This is why I am a targeted individual:

and why i did this series of live testimonies for a public record so that people in our elected government have been made aware of my dangerous situation and that my life is in serious danger.
This series of testimonies is very revealing all the way back to my running a federal election in York Center Toronto 1984 against the then Solicitor General of Canada Bob Kaplan who created Canada’s secret Police CSIS where upon I was told that Bob Kaplan has issued their first contract on me to destroy me.
Here are Bob Kaplans very words he screamed at me in front of a whole crowd of reporters on a public street

“We are going to destroy you.
We are going to make you so destitute
that you will have to resort to crime to survive
were upon we will put you in one of our prisons.
Where we will have our fun with you”

After which time he lifted his hand to gesture to his uncover special agents.
He then yelled at all the reports that they are not permitted to ever report what they just heard.
His goons then took all the reporters notes and anything else they had.
Some where stripped searched on the street.
The goons made sure that everyone there was totally terrorized and scared.
Thereafter the reporters never mentioned any of this.
This post will tell you how bad the situation was and how important it was to Canada’s future.
Corrupt Canadian Elections (Vote Fixing) Daniel J Towsey
This is how we lost Canada..and this how we are going to lose our freedoms..and then our lives…
The insane corporate criminals have taken over Canada. Trudeau shut down the function of the bank of Canada in 1975 and gave the creation of money to corporate banksters. Who then used their unlimited fake unaccountable money they produced out of thin air to take control by buying up the whole country and then corporatized all our governments.
I warned you all long ago and you did not listen and you are still not listening.


I Am In Love And I Am So Happy

I Am In Love And I Am So Happy Written by Daniel J Towsey

TheVisionaryFolkPhotographer The Sun of God

 For those of you who want to know more about my history and how I ended up disabled in a wheelchair please see this post.